觸覺小姐 Miss Touch



ふわふわ 膨鬆柔軟的質感,
Fuwafuwa 白泡泡的圓,


Miss Touch

She likes fine texture, and often rest her head on a soft pillow filled with feathers.

Miss Touch: The idea comes from cotton and clouds, something with pleasant touch and softness, thus the white color and the round shape as the hair.

Miss 5 Sense Inspiration:
The project idea came when I was discussing philosophical and psychological questions with friend. I started thinking about how does everyone perceive their 5 senses, and what are the elements I can elaborate into creating actual characters from this abstract concept? This initial idea formed the base of the creation of Miss 5 Sense. Hair is an essential feature to each characters created, from the shape, the color choice, color placement, to the consideration of the total presentation.

Project Description:
Miss 5 Sense is an original collection inspired by exploring an abstract concept of the 5 senses. I created this collection as my way of interacting with the audience, it gave me opportunities to create dialogues with them on a conceptual yet ordinary subject people don’t normally think about. Every character are unique in terms of its’ underlying concept and the level of technical difficulties. For example, Miss Taste, the yellow tentacles on top of her head represents human taste buds.

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Hi, I'm pooon an artist of woolfelt. Based in Taiwan.

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