Miss Ocean 海洋少女

size\\ H9 x 6 x 4 cm

包裹在琉璃蛋殼下的是正向開朗又外向的海洋少女,Miss Ocean 她是大海的守護使者。思想非常開放的她,很能接受各種不同的聲音,擅長與不同的生物種類溝通。

Miss Ocean
Under the navy blue egg cover is a bright and optimistic lady named Miss Ocean. She is the ambassador of the Ocean Kingdom. Her mind thought is open-minded, she is gentle and loves to hear any other different opinions. Also, she can easily make friends with various species.

La Señorita Océano
Bajo la cascara de huevo de color azul marino hay una optimista chica llamada Señorita Océano. Ella es la embajadora del reino del Océano. Ella es abierta de mente, es cordial y disfruta escuchando cualquier opinión diferente. También puedo fácilmente confraternizar con seres de diferentes especies.


地球少女是 une 原創設計作品,創作靈感源自於地球上得地形種類,經過她的美感轉化成抽象的色彩與圖樣,羊毛是她創作的主素材。以蛋為原型,代表著孕育生命的主體,透過可愛的造型與想像,讓觀者能用最親近的方式關心我們所處的地球。

Using the landform on earth as the core of creation, and the egg that nurtures life as the key to modelling the shape. Nurturing environment needs careful consideration of temperature, humidity and various factors in order to foster beautiful life forms. Earth is the space that nurtures each of these eggs, and we need to take good care of this precious resources.

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Hi, I'm pooon an artist of woolfelt. Based in Taiwan.

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