DIY a Creative Wool Felt Placemat 羊毛氈餐墊


我覺得羊毛氈餐墊非常實用,尤其時家裡的餐桌是木頭材質,羊毛氈剛好可以隔熱,不讓餐桌因為高溫變色!快點來試試吧!說不定你也會愛上羊毛氈餐墊 😀

You want to make a larger, practical felted piece? Here is the one you can try. Using wet felting technique with some colorful layer, then you can make one felted place mat!

I found this quite handy, specially my dinning table is made of wood, and it can prevent the heating mark on it. Go and try one, you might LOVE it as well 😉

NO NEED Finger Protectors and WON’t Stab Your Fingers – Needle Felting Beginner Tutorial

Have you ever stabbed your fingers during a needle felting process? Yes, I have as well. It happens when you aren’t concentrated, or the other reason is you haven’t known how to work with non-dominant hand.

Frankly, I never use finger protector since started. It is not that I am brave or arrogant, it is just not that practical.

If you want to know how the texture is, then you have to take it off. After many years teaching, I found out it is easy that beginners might not notice their dominant hands are in weird position. They don’t know how to collaborate with non-dominant hands. Here are the tip and technique which can help you work in ergonomic gesture and felt easily.

HOW TO Make Felt Vase – Wet Felt Tutorial 羊毛氈花瓶

It is quite easy and simple to make one felted vase. The materials you will need are: Wool fiber
Plastic resist template
Bubble wrap

Making one plastic resist as your template, and laying wool fiber on it. Doing exactly same way as wet felt blueberry tutorial here

If you don’t know how to do wet felt yet, then probably you want to check this video first

When the surface is completely felt (do pinch test), then cut the upper edge, take the resist out and keep felting. Until it is fulled felt.

How To Smooth The Surface part II 如何讓羊毛氈表面不毛躁 第二集

Last video I share with you about how to make the needle felting work with smooth surface look.

This is smooth surface part II, in this video I share another problem: How to don’t create apparently boundary when we are blending different color or cover the core wool.

A Felt Belt – une Felt Design Project

I was planing a design related to covid, but couldn’t come out with one. Then a flash of an idea came upon me when I got a limited edition mask from Kingston x CSD. (picture ) Their design, color, and soft texture surprised me. Therefore, putting the top of its nonwoven fabric on wool is the initial concept for all.

However cause of this concept, I was trying to puzzle out what kind of design can be better. On a stressful night, I couldn’t fall asleep, suddenly around 1am this design came to my mind. I turn on the lamp and quickly drew the sketch. And this is how project design began.

In the design, continuing using the tiny tiny balls in the project as a specific design as well. Also using three different saturated pinks to emphasize the tiny balls behind. In this pink felt you can see a face there, and its hair(the curls parts). 

And why there is a face? Why used these colors and there are some hoops connections?

The whole pandemic is crazy and it destroys people’s life including children. They know nothing, but they have to wear masks since they are small and cannot go out to play in the park. We all know children need to play and run, they have too much energy. Most of us have been in the lockdown situation before or now still, so I used the hoops to describe that stay home, cannot go out to anywhere.

The entire time till now it is not ended yet, we are still fighting. Therefore, I used red balls and cords making a sad face to emphasize what we have been through. However, we need to keep positive and be smart enough to gauge the real true news and situation. And the tassel for me is a calm and peaceful feeling. ⠀

I kept the print mask with three keywords: 2020, strength, together.
Wish we all are good and save. Hope this can end soon, and the justice will come.


前一陣子一直在想著製作一個跟新冠病毒有關的主題設計,然而一直想不出什麼好主意。而在偶然間,收到Kingston 和中衛出品的口罩,頓時被這顏色與觸感給震撼到,於是便萌生出想把口罩的設計結合到羊毛氈裡。




這次的 #unefeltdesignproject 上做了很多的細節,為什麼選擇這些顏色配色,以及臉的設計概念故事是怎麼來?



昨天有提到,設計裡最初的靈感是來自Kingston的限量口罩,特別剪下了口罩上的文字:2020, 力量(strengh)和協力(together)。願你我都能平安快樂,也希望正義能夠到來,疫情也能快快結束。

A Vase In The Frame

作品 Project:
Le vase dans le cadre.
尺寸 Size: 10 x 10cm

在中秋過後的那週,緊張的和Lisa面談自己的project 1飾品設計,原本是帶著信心滿滿的心情準備著。

Here is my initial project, but I don’t like it when it’s finished. It took me 2 days experiments and tried, but too many problems I found when making it and after. So I was kind of in frustration mood that I don’t know how to design a wearable jewelry. Anyway, here is the result as the sketch in reality, also I made another simplest belt design. Will post later. 

1) Inspiration: The inspiration is from the floral pistil (Banksia) + tentacles from the coral. And the blue parts is one vase placing in a frame. 

2) Challenge: The most challenge is the red thin cords and the yellow barrels. I made three times, and cause the cords are too thin, they couldn’t roll and felt as normal we do it on the ridge surface. Also, the initial idea was 10g ball because I was afraid cannot make tiny barrels on the top of the vase and the cords. But after making 10g ball it was too big if you want to wear them.(The final result was 7g ball.) 

The other challenge is the top m cord. The problem I found the straight part from both end one will be front another one is back, so cannot stay in line overall. 

And the last one, as Lisa said, the frame is hard to keep it stand there (it is easy to stay in shape on table). Meanwhile, it is too large for a brooch and the ball as well, so I didn’t make it into a brooch in the end. I was thinking ok, maybe I can modify it as necklace but YES, the ball is too heavy, it will fall upside down. (Lol, what a frustration.) 

3) Excitement: I didn’t feel any excitement for this piece. But now I am more interested in wearable objects, was looking for more ideas. Apparently, I didn’t pay attention to jewelry or accessories design before. 

Oh, one more thing, when we make thin cords, it is hard to trim them and still furry look in the end. 😦 Is there other alternative way to shave it or solution? Specially the m cord design.

Play Different Shapes

This color and shapes evoke me marshmallows in taffy flavor 😆 I quite enjoy this playful project and having fun with wool more and more after you know 
more technique, and suddenly you have nonstop ideas come out. It is like you are in a garden, and exploring many kinds of flowers and plants, super excited.
Nowadays, when I go bad, my brain is still working andthinking designs and experiments. 😂 If I have superpower endless energy, I might work whole day 
long without sleeping.

Here again, making same structure shape 3rd times. I am really into this shape, they’re so cute and playful. 
Another interesting part is I wasn’t sketching or planning to make it as this in the beginning. It is just like the process as we are drawing, then we can do whatever or freely play here. How amazing is this, love creating forever.
真的無比喜歡這個造型,它已經成了目前最愛的首選,你們不覺得他看起來超像棉花棒的嗎 🤣

The first one component looks like kettlebell for me. 😆 And the second can be one pillow aside of the road guardrail (I don’t know if that has another name, the shape is ㄇ )


New Felting Level

Nowadays, I am working on tiny pieces and homework every weekend that I learned from Lisa (feltstrong). Really love these moments and feel my skill is stronger. During every week’s subject, I can feel somehow Lisa inspired me and leading me to the whole new world that never thought I will be there now.

I told my friend, I get little more confidence and curious more about wet felting. It probably can exactly do what I want to do as needle felt. And the most amazing part is, when you look at its size, you cannot imagine how to make it. 😆
I would love to spend my whole day in those works, not only in the weekend, can be every day in the future. So many things I want to try, hope that day will be soon. Can’t wait.