Doodle Felt 03

Doodlefelt 是今年的新企劃 初衷是從2019年起每天的繪畫挑戰 今年除了繪畫以外,想多一點不一樣的方式 會把幾款繪畫中特別喜歡的主題,製作成羊毛氈 。

就在製作的過程中,想著或許我可以用影片的方式紀錄 沒想到,影片製作剪輯比完成一個迷你羊毛氈還花時間 從初始到完成整整花了8個小時 😅 因為全部都是一個人扮演所有的角色,確實花了不少時間 不過還是很喜歡製作影片,感覺非常有趣


Third Doodle Felt is a packing inspiration from Japan. This is Furikake Packaging. Furikake is a dry Japanese condiment to be sprinkled on top of cooked rice. And surprisingly this is not a fish or veggie ingredient, it is locust!!! XDD


Since 2019, I have been working on daily doodling as a challenge. And I had tried many times of felting challenge but it was all failed. This year, I plan to do lots of challenges (there are more then 10 so far) in 2021. 

This time I would take it easily, not too pushing myself, cause I want to make it quickly and simple. And those are related to my daily draw challenge — #365dailydraw2

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Hi, I'm pooon an artist of woolfelt. Based in Taiwan.

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