Customization 2 cats 客製 貓咪軟雕塑

2019年參加Digi Wave潮間彌生市集時,Mimi剛好來高雄玩,路過攤位看到 #une12dogs 流浪狗系列,領養了一組回香港,這也是我們故事開始的開端。


In Oct. 2019, I was attending the Digi Wave craft market and Mimi was traveling in Taiwan at this time. She passed by my booth and I shared my idea concept of #une12dogs one of my works. She “adopted” one back to Hong Kong, and this is how it begin with our story.

size: heigh 6 -7 cm

Named Mari, ten years old, a clingy cat.

Named Lichen, seven years old, a little bit shy, but kind and nice.

起初製作的時候,因為平常鮮少製作寵物相關的東西,一度很撞牆,因為每次都會給自己設很高的標準在製作每個作品,因此遲遲很抗拒又擔心。但經過內心調適與觀察後,製作時的工作狀態很好,製作當下是滿滿的精力,而在幾乎全部快結束時,順邊整個體力耗盡,彷彿整個靈魂被抽離的感覺。朋友笑說:妳已經把妳的精神與靈魂都注入在作品中,並且融入妳的個人特色。嗚嗚,聽完整個感動噴淚,做作品時我腦子只想著要做好,而且是認真的做好!一定要我自己都滿意,也才能讓別人滿意,作品要先感動自己,才能感動別人 🙂

In the end of the year, Mimi she contacted me about making 2 cats for her friend. I was kind of afraid to take this challenge, cause I spent lots of time doing human sculpture and wasn’t sure I can nail it as usual, I always set up high stander for my works. In the beginning, I was a little bit frustrated, but I came through and overcame the fear.

I put my all effort when I make the sculpture, once I finished it then energy down to zero XD Do it well, satisify with it and proud of my work then others will love it too.

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Hi, I'm pooon an artist of woolfelt. Based in Taiwan.

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