NO NEED Finger Protectors and WON’t Stab Your Fingers – Needle Felting Beginner Tutorial

Have you ever stabbed your fingers during a needle felting process? Yes, I have as well. It happens when you aren’t concentrated, or the other reason is you haven’t known how to work with non-dominant hand.

Frankly, I never use finger protector since started. It is not that I am brave or arrogant, it is just not that practical.

If you want to know how the texture is, then you have to take it off. After many years teaching, I found out it is easy that beginners might not notice their dominant hands are in weird position. They don’t know how to collaborate with non-dominant hands. Here are the tip and technique which can help you work in ergonomic gesture and felt easily.

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Hi, I'm pooon an artist of woolfelt. Based in Taiwan.

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